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January 2025: Recent Patients of the Week

Scott T.

Scott has had struggles with lower back pain, as well as to improve overall wellness. He has been a stellar patient with his commitment and dedication to his care. In the office, he is always energetic, kind, and makes time for his care through his busy work schedule. Scott, we thank for your commitment to your health and wellness!

Maureen H.

Maureen came into the office as a Migraine sufferer after trying countless remedies for her pain. From her care so far, she has gone down from 21 Flare-Ups a month in September, to only 5 in November! Not only is she making leaps and bounds with her care, she is also just a joy to have in the office. We love her bubbly spirit, sweetness, and the kindness she always brings.

Molly B.

Molly is such an incredible patient! She came into Family Chiropractic dealing with

headaches, stiffness, neck pain, sleep issues, and other ailments. For someone so personable and magnetic, the pain was definitely getting in her way. By starting Specific Corrective Care, she has seen amazing results, and we could not be happier for her. Molly, you are always so fun to have in the office, so funny, and such a kind person!

Parker T.

Parker is an athlete that came into the office in 2022 with lower back pain, headaches, poor posture, and neck discomfort. After utilizing Specific Corrective Care, his overall health and wellness has improved over 80%! He is a Lifetime Family Wellness Patient and we are so happy to have him apart of our Family Chiropractic community. He has and continues to take his care seriously, and we couldn’t be happier with the results he has gotten.


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