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Gut Health: Constipation, Diarrhea, IBS

Let's Jump Right In...

One of the fastest ways to evaluate your own base line for gut health is through observation of bowel movements.

First know that diarrhea and constipation are NOT normal. It is considered normal and healthy to have between 1-3 full, satisfying bowel movements per day. YES - PER.DAY.

Now once every three days may be normal for some people, but that is because it's probably what they have been used to for their whole life. So, THEY consider it normal - but this is not normal for a healthy functioning human.

Your poop should look like a full brown banana. The banana should come out easily, be cleaned up easily and have relatively no major odor. It will float initially but if left for a bit of time, will naturally sink.

  • Poop looks like pellets or pebbles?

    Typically, these will sink quickly to the bottom of the toilet. This can be a sign of

improper protein digestion.

  • Poop more like greasy, floating ribbons?

    This can be a sign that you are not digesting your fats effectively. When fats do

not digest properly they go rancid. Oil and water do not mix- so, this is a slimy movement that is not as easy to clean up after.

As a final fun fact - Gas is totally NORMAL! Eat some raw broccoli, brussels sprouts or cauliflower and you will experience GAS.

But, healthy gas WILL NOT SMELL! When gas smells like sulfur or rotten eggs, this is a direct clue that your body is NOT digesting protein properly! And guess what there is a supplement for that!


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